Addiction therapy in London




Pathways to Recovery

Breaking free from addiction requires expert support and a personalized approach. At Space 2 Talk London, our addiction therapy includes Motivational Interviewing (MI) to enhance your motivation to change addictive behaviours through client-centred conversations.

CBT identifies and modifies triggers, coping mechanisms, and thought patterns associated with addiction, while 12-Step Programs and Support Groups provide community-based support. Receive dedicated care in our high-quality therapy room. Get in touch here to book your session.

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Concerned woman listening to therapist


How We Can Help

Motivational Interviewing (MI)


Enhances motivation to change addictive behaviours through client-centred conversations.



Identifies and modifies triggers, coping mechanisms, and thought patterns associated with addiction.

12-Step Programs and Support Groups

Encourages participation in community-based support groups.







Contact Us

We have a high quality therapy room for rent for you to receive the very best treatment from specialised therapists in London. Get in touch below by calling or sending an enquiry.

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